- 1
Reed, S. Alexander. Assimilate: A Critical History of Industrial Music. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 2013.
- 2
CTM Festival, »CTM 2018 — 2nd Announcement.«
- 3
Robert Walser (1993) Running with the Devil: Power, Gender, and Madness in Heavy Metal Music. Middletown CT: Wesleyan University Press, p. 161.
- 4
Ibid.: 162.
- 5
Noys, Benjamin. Malign Velocities: Accelerationism and Capitalism. Winchester and Washington D.C.: Zero Books, 2014.
- 6
Beckett, Andy. »Accelerationism: how a fringe philosophy predicted the future we live in.« The Guardian, May 11, 2017.
- 7
CTM Festival, »CTM 2018 — 2nd Announcement.«