• 1

    A note for English readers: Prof. Bender’s original German article on EVP is available in English as »On the Analysis of Exceptional Voice Phenomena on Tapes. Pilot studies on the ›recordings‹ of Friedrich Jürgenson,« in: ITC Journal, No. 40, April 2011, pp. 61—78. It should be read in connection with two articles written by electronic engineer Jochem Sotschek, which were first published in German in Zeitschrift für Parapsycholgie und Grenzgebiete der Psychologie 1970 and 1979. The English references are: Jochem Sotschek: »On the possibilities of the identification of phonemes,« in: ITC Journal, No. 43, April 2012, pp. 16-31, and Jochem Sotschek: »On the possibilities of deception in the assessment of results from listening tests with tape-recorded speech samples,« in: ITC Journal, No. 44—45, December, 2012, pp. 10—21.

  • 2

    See: »Machbarkeitsstudie zu Wirkungen von Infraschall

  • 3

    Okkulte Stimmen — Mediale Musik. Recordings of Unseen Intelligences 1905—2007, 3 CD Boxset, compiled by Andreas Fischer and Thomas Knoefel, incoorperation with Melvyn Willin, (2007), Supposé Verlag.

  • 4

    See: Theorie der Kryptodoxie.